
Heifer International’s C4E Group Building a Climate Change Strategy in the Galapagos

From December 4 to December 7, 2022, Heifer International’s C4E (Caring for the Earth) working group will meet in the unique setting of the Galapagos Islands – a World Heritage Site – to prepare a global strategy for innovation in climate change adaptation. This group, whose reflections emerge from lessons learned over 78 years of Heifer International’s work in farmer-centered development, will define mechanisms, innovations, and indicators to make effective a high-impact methodology for cooling the planet and ensuring food security.

Caring for the Earth (C4E) is part of Heifer International’s mission. Environmental protection and care are central elements of the institution’s work. The care of ecosystems is directly related to the development of healthy, productive systems and the strengthening of rural businesses. The impacts of climate change fall directly and with greater force on the poor populations that, paradoxically, are the closest to the biodiverse areas that must be protected; therefore, having guidelines regarding climate change is fundamental.

The Heifer Ecuador Foundation, host of this event, will open its doors to receive this select international delegation, who will share their expectations and ideas in the event called Heifer’s Climate Change Innovation in Adaptation. This laboratory will be a milestone in Heifer’s work, due to its global impact, and will constitute part of a series of celebrations of the institutional life of Heifer Ecuador, which, in 2023, will mark 30 years as a non-governmental organization in Ecuador.

Structure of the meeting

The meeting will be comprised of a series of phases. The first phase will be focused on learning, as guests from Ecuador and the C4E group will share the challenges they face with climate change. The second phase will generate a reflection on the environmental aspects of the distinct emblematic programs of each country. This will be followed by a phase of brainstorming and agreement regarding relevant innovations. Finally, support mechanisms will be identified. Following the event, working meetings will be organized in each of the regions in Asia and Africa where Heifer International operates.

This event will depend on collaboration between various strategic teams: Heifer Labs, GPA, C4E, and others. Future implementation will also depend on closer collaboration with other teams in Heifer International.

Diverse communities and ecosystems that are fundamental to life on the planet will benefit from a structured approach to the environment and conservation and to the opportunities and challenges posed by climate change in the countries where Heifer International operates. The appropriate targeting of actions and innovations will have a positive impact on communities and ecosystems alike, as we all share one house.

NOSOTROSFundamentos de nuestro trabajoHeifer Internacional
Calle José Luis Tamayo N24-587 y Calle Salazar.
Quito - Ecuador

+593 2-250-1427